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India Grid TrustIndustry : Power Generation And Supply
BSE Code:540565NSE Symbol: INDIGRIDP/E(TTM):8.83
ISIN Demat:INE219X23014Div & Yield %:2.26EPS(TTM):16.31
Book Value(Rs):140.7167477Market Cap ( Cr.):12022.64Face Value(Rs):136.43
    Change Company 
( In Cr)
 Mar 2024Mar 2023Mar 2022Mar 2021Mar 2020Mar 2019
INCOME :      
Operating Income 2600.742180.772002.541248.831055.41552.51
Excise Duty0.
Net Operating Income2600.742180.772002.541248.831055.41552.51
Other Income 116.6248.1146.357.8317.772.75
Stock Adjustment
Total Income2717.362228.882048.891256.661073.18555.26
Electricity & Fuel Expenses
Operating Expenses0.
Employee Cost
Selling & Administration expenses 71.9717.5813.4717.2714.699.27
Miscellaneous Expenses284.67189.31168.74-267.99263.87232.57
Less : Pre-operative Expenses Capitalised
Total Expenditure356.65206.89182.21-250.73278.56241.84
Operating Profit2360.712021.991866.681507.38794.62313.42
Interest 1307.301000.96943.28435.01298.10101.55
Gross Profit1053.411021.03923.401072.37496.52211.87
Profit Before Tax1052.171019.80923.221072.37496.52211.87
Fringe Benefit tax0.
Deferred Tax0.
Reported Net Profit1048.971016.60920.861072.49490.82211.24
Extraordinary Items 5.880.
Adjusted Net Profit1043.091016.60920.861072.49490.82211.24
Adjustment below net profit
P & L Balance brought forward329.61229.36195.10-171.37-51.9277.40
P & L Balance brought forward357.75329.61229.36195.10-171.37-51.92
Statutory Appropriations
Appropriations 1020.83916.36886.60706.02610.280.00
P & L Balance brought forward329.61229.36195.10-171.37-51.9277.40
P & L Balance brought forward357.75329.61229.36195.10-171.37-51.92
Preference Dividend0.
Equity Dividend %3.553.3012.7512.2012.0012.00
Earnings Per Share-Unit Curr13.7215.4313.9720.189.247.44
Earnings Per Share(Adj)-Unit Curr13.7215.4313.9720.188.927.19
Book Value-Unit Curr104.68105.00103.48103.6796.7898.17