Attention Investors |
Stock Broker |
Depository Participant |
To follow highest standards of ethics and compliances while facilitating the trading by clients in securities in a fair and transparent manner, so as to contribute in creation of wealth for investors.
- To provide high quality and dependable service through innovation, capacity enhancement and use of technology.
- To establish and maintain a relationship of trust and ethics with the investors.
- To observe highest standard of compliances and transparency.
- To always keep ‘protection of investors’ interest’ as goal while providing service.
Services provided to investors
- Execution of trades on behalf of investors.
- Issuance of Contract Notes.
- Issuance of intimations regarding margin due payments.
- Facilitate execution of early pay-in obligation instructions.
- Settlement of client’s funds.
- Intimation of securities held in Client Unpaid Securities Account (CUSA) Account.
- Issuance of retention statement of funds.
- Risk management systems to mitigate operational and market risk.
- Facilitate client profile changes in the system as instructed by the client.
- Information sharing with the client w.r.t. exchange circulars.
- Redressal of Investor’s grievances.
Rights of Investors
- Ask for and receive information from a firm about the work history and background of the person handling your account, as well as information about the firm itself.
- Receive complete information about the risks, obligations, and costs of any investment before investing.
- Receive recommendations consistent with your financial needs and investment objectives.
- Receive a copy of all completed account forms and agreements.
- Receive account statements that are accurate and understandable.
- Understand the terms and conditions of transactions you undertake.
- Access your funds in a timely manner and receive information about any restrictions or limitations on access.
- Receive complete information about maintenance or service charges, transaction or redemption fees, and penalties.
- Discuss your grievances with compliance officer of the firm and receive prompt attention to and fair consideration of your concerns.
Various activities of stock brokers with timelines
Activitiy |
Expected Timelines |
1 |
KYC entered into KRA System and CKYCR |
10 days of account opening |
2 |
Client Onboarding |
Immediate, but not later than one week |
3 |
Order execution |
Immediate on receipt of order, but not later than the same day |
4 |
Allocation of Unique Client Code |
Before trading |
5 |
Copy of duly completed Client Registration Documents to clients |
7 days from the date of upload of Unique Client Code to the Exchange by the trading member |
6 |
Issuance of contract notes |
24 hours of execution of trades |
7 |
Collection of upfront margin from client |
Before initiation of trade |
8 |
Issuance of intimations regarding other margin due payments |
At the end of the T day |
9 |
Settlement of client funds |
30 days / 90 days for running account settlement (RAS) as per the preference of client. If consent not given for RAS – within 24 hours of pay-out |
10 |
‘Statement of Accounts’ for Funds, Securities and Commodities |
Weekly basis (Within four trading days of following week) |
11 |
Issuance of retention statement of funds/commodities |
5 days from the date of settlement |
12 |
Issuance of Annual Global Statement |
30 days from the end of the financial year |
13 |
Investor grievances redressal |
30 days from the receipt of the complaint |
DOs & DON'Ts for investors
DOs |
DON'Ts |
1 |
Read all documents and conditions being agreed before signing the account opening form. |
Do not deal with unregistered stock broker. |
2 |
Receive a copy of KYC, copy of account opening documents and Unique Client Code. |
Do not forget to strike off blanks in your account opening and KYC. |
3 |
Read the product / operational framework / timelines related to various Trading and Clearing & Settlement processes. |
Do not submit an incomplete account opening and KYC form. |
4 |
Receive all information about brokerage, fees and other charges levied. |
Do not forget to inform any change in information linked to trading account and obtain confirmation of updation in the system. |
5 |
Register your mobile number and email ID in your trading, demat and bank accounts to get regular alerts on your transactions. |
Do not transfer funds, for the purposes of trading to anyone other than a stock broker. No payment should be made in name of employee of stock broker. |
6 |
If executed, receive a copy of Power of Attorney. However, Power of Attorney is not a mandatory requirement as per SEBI / Stock Exchanges. Before granting Power of Attorney, carefully examine the scope and implications of powers being granted. |
Do not ignore any emails / SMSs received with regards to trades done, from the Stock Exchange and raise a concern, if discrepancy is observed. |
7 |
Receive contract notes for trades executed, showing transaction price, brokerage, GST and STT etc. as applicable, separately, within 24 hours of execution of trades. |
Do not opt for digital contracts, if not familiar with computers. |
8 |
Receive funds and securities / commodities on time within 24 hours from pay-out. |
Do not share trading password. |
9 |
Verify details of trades, contract notes and statement of account and approach relevant authority for any discrepancies. Verify trade details on the Exchange websites from the trade verification facility provided by the Exchanges. |
Do not fall prey to fixed / guaranteed returns schemes. |
10 |
Receive statement of accounts periodically. If opted for running account settlement, account has to be settled by the stock broker as per the option given by the client (30 or 90 days). |
Do not fall prey to fraudsters sending emails and SMSs luring to trade in stocks / securities promising huge profits. |
11 |
In case of any grievances, approach stock broker or Stock Exchange or SEBI for getting the same resolved within prescribed timelines. |
Do not follow herd mentality for investments. Seek expert and professional advice for your investments. |
Grievance Redressal Mechanism
Level 1 – Approach the Stock Broker at the designated Investor Grievance e-mail ID of the stock broker. The Stock Broker will strive to redress the grievance immediately, but not later than 30 days of the receipt of the grievance.
Level 2 - Approach the Stock Exchange using the grievance mechanism mentioned at the website of the respective exchange.
Complaints Resolution Process at Stock Exchange explained graphically:
Timelines for complaint resolution process at Stock Exchanges against stock brokers
Type of Activity |
Timelines for Activity |
1 |
Receipt of Complaint |
Day of complaint (C Day). |
2 |
Additional information sought from the investor, if any, and provisionally forwarded to stock broker. |
C + 7 Working days. |
3 |
Registration of the complaint and forwarding to the stock broker. |
C+8 Working Days i.e. T day. |
4 |
Amicable Resolution. |
T+15 Working Days. |
5 |
Refer to Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC), in case of no amicable resolution. |
T+16 Working Days. |
6 |
Complete resolution process post GRC. |
T + 30 Working Days. |
7 |
In case where the GRC Member requires additional information, GRC order shall be completed within. |
T + 45 Working Days. |
8 |
Implementation of GRC Order. |
On receipt of GRC Order, if the order is in favour of the investor, debit the funds of the stock broker. Order for debit is issued immediately or as per the directions given in GRC order. |
9 |
In case the stock broker is aggrieved by the GRC order, will provide intention to avail arbitration |
Within 7 days from receipt of order. |
10 |
If intention from stock broker is received and the GRC order amount is upto Rs.20 lakhs |
Investor is eligible for interim relief from Investor Protection Fund (IPF).The interim relief will be 50% of the GRC order amount or Rs.2 lakhs whichever is less. The same shall be provided after obtaining an Undertaking from the investor. |
11 |
Stock Broker shall file for arbitration |
Within 6 months from the date of GRC recommendation |
12 |
In case the stock broker does not file for arbitration within 6 months |
The GRC order amount shall be released to the investor after adjusting the amount released as interim relief, if any. |
Handling of Investor’s claims / complaints in case of default of a Trading Member / Clearing Member (TM/CM)
Default of TM/CM
Following steps are carried out by Stock Exchange for benefit of investor, in case stock broker defaults:
- Circular is issued to inform about declaration of Stock Broker as Defaulter.
- Information of defaulter stock broker is disseminated on Stock Exchange website.
- Public Notice is issued informing declaration of a stock broker as defaulter and inviting claims within specified period.
- Intimation to clients of defaulter stock brokers via emails and SMS for facilitating lodging of claims within the specified period.
Following information is available on Stock Exchange website for information of investors:
- Norms for eligibility of claims for compensation from IPF.
- Claim form for lodging claim against defaulter stock broker.
- FAQ on processing of investors’ claims against Defaulter stock broker.
- Provision to check online status of client’s claim.
Level 3 – The complaint not redressed at Stock Broker / Stock Exchange level, may be lodged with SEBI on SCORES (a web based centralized grievance redressal system of SEBI) @ https://scores.sebi.gov.in.
Towards making Indian Securities Market - Transparent, Efficient, & Investor friendly
by providing safe, reliable, transparent and trusted record keeping platform for
investors to hold and transfer securities in dematerialized form.
To hold securities of investors in dematerialised form and facilitate its transfer,
while ensuring safekeeping of securities and protecting interest of investors.
To provide timely and accurate information to investors with regard to their holding
and transfer of securities held by them.
To provide the highest standards of investor education, investor awareness and timely
services so as to enhance Investor Protection and create awareness about Investor
Details of business transacted by the Depository and Depository Participant (DP)
A Depository is an organization which holds securities of investors in electronic
form. Depositories provide services to various market participants - Exchanges,
Clearing Corporations, Depository Participants (DPs), Issuers and Investors in both
primary as well as secondary markets. The depository carries out its activities
through its agents which are known as Depository Participants (DP). Details available
on the link https://www.cdslindia.com/DP/dplist.aspx
Description of services provided by the Depository through Depository Participants (DP) to investors
(1) Basic Services
Sr. No. |
Brief about the Activity / Service |
Expected Timelines for processing by the DP after receipt of proper documents |
1 |
Dematerialization of securities |
7 Days |
2 |
Rematerialization of securities |
7 Days |
3 |
Mutual Fund Conversion / Destatementization |
5 Days |
4 |
Re-conversion / Restatementisation of Mutual fund units |
7 Days |
5 |
Transmission of securities |
7 Days |
6 |
Registering pledge request |
15 Days |
7 |
Closure of demat account |
30 Days |
8 |
Settlement Instruction |
For T+1 day settlements, Participants shall accept instructions from the Clients,
in physical form up to 4 p.m. (in case of electronic instructions up to 6.00 p.m.)
on T day for pay-in of securities.
For T+0 day settlements, Participants shall accept EPI instructions from the clients,
till 11:00 AM on T day.
Note: ‘T’ refers ‘Trade Day’
(2) Depositories provide special services like pledge, hypothecation, internet based services etc. in addition to their core services and these include
Details of Grievance Redressal Mechanism
(1) The Process of investor grievance redressal
Sr. No. |
1 |
Investor Complaint/ Grievances |
Investor can lodge complaint/ grievance against the Depository/DP in the following ways:
Electronic mode:
- SCORES 2.0 (a web based centralized grievance redressal system of
SEBI) [link to be provided by Depositories] Two Level Review for complaint/grievance
against DP
Two Level Review for complaint/grievance against DP: - First review done by Designated Body -Second review done by SEBI
- Respective Depository’s web portal dedicated for the filing of compliant CDSL Portal
- Emails to designated email IDs of Depository complaints@cdslindia.com
Offline mode:
Emails to designated email IDs of Depository Participant - [dp@c-sec.com].
The complaints/ grievances lodged directly with the Depository shall be resolved
within 21 days.
2 |
Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform for online Conciliation and Arbitration
If the Investor is not satisfied with the resolution provided by DP or other Market
Participants, then the Investor has the option to file the complaint/ grievance
on SMARTODR platform for its resolution through by online conciliation or arbitration.
3 |
Steps to be followed in ODR for Review, Conciliation and Arbitration
- Investor to approach Market Participant for redressal of complaint.
- If investor is not satisfied with response of Market Participant, he/she can escalate
the complaint on SEBI SCORES portal.
- Alternatively, the investor may also file a complaint on SMARTODR portal for its
resolution through online conciliation and arbitration.
- Upon receipt of complaint on SMARTODR portal, the relevant MII will review the matter
and endeavour to resolve the matter between the Market Participant and investor
within 21 days.
- If the matter could not be amicably resolved, then the Investor may request the
MII to refer the matter case for conciliation.
- During the conciliation process, the conciliator will endeavor for amicable settlement
of the dispute within 21 days, which may be extended with 10 days by the conciliator.
- If the conciliation is unsuccessful, then the investor may request to refer the
matter for arbitration.
- The arbitration process to be concluded by arbitrator(s) within 30 days, which is
extendable by 30 days.
For the Multi-level complaint resolution mechanism available at the Depositories
Guidance pertaining to special circumstances related to market activities: Termination of the Depository Participant
Sr. No. |
Type of special circumstances |
Timelines for the Activity/ Service |
1 |
- Depositories to terminate the participation in case a participant no longer meets the eligibility criteria and/or any other grounds as mentioned in the bye laws like suspension of trading member by the Stock Exchanges.
- Participant surrenders the participation by its own wish.
Client will have a right to transfer all its securities to any other Participant of its choice without any charges for the transfer within 30 days from the date of intimation by way of letter/email.
Dos and Don’ts for Investors
Sr. No. |
Guidance |
1 |
Always deal with a SEBI registered Depository Participant for opening a demat account. |
2 |
Read all the documents carefully before signing them. |
3 |
Before granting Power of attorney to operate your demat account to an intermediary like Stock Broker, Portfolio Management Services (PMS) etc., carefully examine the scope and implications of powers being granted. |
4 |
Always make payments to registered intermediary using banking channels. No payment should be made in name of employee of intermediary. |
5 |
Accept the Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS) book from your DP only (pre- printed with a serial number along with your Client ID) and keep it in safe custody and do not sign or issue blank or partially filled DIS slips.
Always mention the details like ISIN, number of securities accurately. In case of any queries, please contact your DP or broker and it should be signed by all demat account holders.
Strike out any blank space on the slip and Cancellations or corrections on the DIS should be initialed or signed by all the account holder(s).
Do not leave your instruction slip book with anyone else.
Do not sign blank DIS as it is equivalent to a bearer cheque.
6 |
Inform any change in your Personal Information (for example address or Bank Account details, email ID, Mobile number) linked to your demat account in the prescribed format and obtain confirmation of updation in system |
7 |
Mention your Mobile Number and email ID in account opening form to receive SMS alerts and regular updates directly from depository. |
8 |
Always ensure that the mobile number and email ID linked to your demat account are the same as provided at the time of account opening/updation. |
9 |
Do not share password of your online trading and demat account with anyone. |
10 |
Do not share One Time Password (OTP) received from banks, brokers, etc. These are meant to be used by you only. |
11 |
Do not share login credentials of e-facilities provided by the depositories such as e-DIS/demat gateway, SPEED-e/easiest etc. with anyone else. |
12 |
Demat is mandatory for any transfer of securities of Listed public limited companies with few exceptions. |
13 |
If you have any grievance in respect of your demat account, please write to designated email IDs of depositories or you may lodge the same with SEBI online at https://scores.sebi.gov.in. |
14 |
Keep a record of documents signed, DIS issued and account statements received. |
15 |
As Investors you are required to verify the transaction statement carefully for all debits and credits in your account. In case of any unauthorized debit or credit, inform the DP or your respective Depository. |
16 |
Appoint a nominee to facilitate your heirs in obtaining the securities in your demat account, on completion of the necessary procedures. |
17 |
Register for Depository's internet based facility or download mobile app of the depository to monitor your holdings. |
18 |
Ensure that, both, your holding and transaction statements are received periodically as instructed to your DP. You are entitled to receive a transaction statement every month if you have any transactions. |
19 |
Do not follow herd mentality for investments. Seek expert and professional advice for your investments. |
20 |
Beware of assured/fixed returns. |
Rights of Investors
- Receive a copy of KYC, copy of account opening documents.
- No minimum balance is required to be maintained in a demat account.
- No charges are payable for opening of demat accounts.
- If executed, receive a copy of Power of Attorney. However, Power of Attorney is not a mandatory requirement as per SEBI / Stock Exchanges. You have the right to revoke any authorization given at any time.
- You can open more than one demat account in the same name with single DP/ multiple DPs.
- Receive statement of accounts periodically. In case of any discrepancies in statements, take up the same with the DP immediately. If the DP does not respond, take up the matter with the Depositories.
- Pledge and /or any other interest or encumbrance can be created on demat holdings.
- Right to give standing instructions with regard to the crediting of securities in demat account.
- Investor can exercise its right to freeze/defreeze his/her demat account or specific securities / specific quantity of securities in the account, maintained with the DP.
- In case of any grievances, Investor has right to approach Participant or Depository or SEBI for getting the same resolved within prescribed timelines.
- Every eligible investor shareholder has a right to cast its vote on various resolutions proposed by the companies for which Depositories have developed an internet based ‘e-Voting’ platform.
- Receive information about charges and fees. Any charges/tariff agreed upon shall not increase unless a notice in writing of not less than thirty days is given to the Investor.
- Right to indemnification for any loss caused due to the negligence
of the Depository or the participant.
- Right to opt out of the Depository system in respect of any
Responsibilities of Investors
- Deal with a SEBI registered DP for opening demat account, KYC and Depository activities.
- Provide complete documents for account opening and KYC (Know Your Client). Fill all the required details in Account Opening Form / KYC form in own handwriting and cancel out the blanks.
- Read all documents and conditions being agreed before signing the account opening form.
- Accept the Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS) book from DP only (preprinted with a serial number along with client ID) and keep it in safe custody and do not sign or issue blank or partially filled DIS.
- Always mention the details like ISIN, number of securities accurately.
- Inform any change in information linked to demat account and obtain confirmation of updation in the system.
- Regularly verify balances and demat statement and reconcile with trades / transactions.
- Appoint nominee(s) to facilitate heirs in obtaining the securities in their demat account.
- Do not fall prey to fraudsters sending emails and SMSs luring to trade in stocks / securities promising huge profits.
Code of Conduct for Depositories
A Depository shall
- always abide by the provisions of the Act, Depositories Act, 1996, any Rules or
Regulations framed thereunder, circulars, guidelines and any other directions issued
by the Board from time to time.
- adopt appropriate due diligence measures.
- take effective measures to ensure implementation of proper risk management framework
and good governance practices.
- take appropriate measures towards investor protection and education of investors.
- treat all its applicants/members in a fair and transparent manner.
- promptly inform the Board of violations of the provisions of the Act, the Depositories
Act, 1996, rules, regulations, circulars, guidelines or any other directions by
any of its issuer or issuer’s agent.
- take a proactive and responsible attitude towards safeguarding the interests of
investors, integrity of depository’s systems and the securities market.
- endeavor for introduction of best business practices amongst itself and its members.
- act in utmost good faith and shall avoid conflict of interest in the conduct of
its functions.
- not indulge in unfair competition, which is likely to harm the interests of any
other Depository, their participants or investors or is likely to place them in
a disadvantageous position while competing for or executing any assignment.
- segregate roles and responsibilities of key management personnel within the depository
- Clearly mapping legal and regulatory duties to the concerned position
- Defining delegation of powers to each position
- Assigning regulatory, risk management and compliance aspects to business and support
- be responsible for the acts or omissions of its employees in respect of the conduct
of its business.
- monitor the compliance of the rules and regulations by the participants and shall
further ensure that their conduct is in a manner that will safeguard the interest
of investors and the securities market.
Code of Conduct for Participants
- A participant shall make all efforts to protect the interests of investors.
- A participant shall always endeavour to—
- render the best possible advice to the clients having regard to the client’s needs
and the environments and his own professional skills;
- ensure that all professional dealings are effected in a prompt, effective and efficient
- inquiries from investors are adequately dealt with;
- grievances of investors are redressed without any delay.
- A participant shall maintain high standards of integrity in all its dealings with
its clients and other intermediaries, in the conduct of its business.
- A participant shall be prompt and diligent in opening of a beneficial owner account,
dispatch of the dematerialisation request form, rematerialisation request form and
execution of debit instruction slip and in all the other activities undertaken by
him on behalf of the beneficial owners.
- A participant shall endeavour to resolve all the complaints against it or in respect
of the activities carried out by it as quickly as possible, and not later than one
month of receipt.
- A participant shall not increase charges/fees for the services rendered without
proper advance notice to the beneficial owners.
- A participant shall not indulge in any unfair competition, which is likely to harm
the interests of other participants or investors or is likely to place such other
participants in a disadvantageous position while competing for or executing any
- A participant shall not make any exaggerated statement whether oral or written to
the clients either about its qualifications or capability to render certain services
or about its achievements in regard to services rendered to other clients.
- A participant shall not divulge to other clients, press or any other person any
information about its clients which has come to its knowledge except with the approval/authorisation
of the clients or when it is required to disclose the information under the requirements
of any Act, Rules or Regulations.
- A participant shall co-operate with the Board as and when required.
- A participant shall maintain the required level of knowledge and competency and
abide by the provisions of the Act, Rules, Regulations and circulars and directions
issued by the Board. The participant shall also comply with the award of the Ombudsman
passed under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Ombudsman) Regulations,
- A participant shall not make any untrue statement or suppress any material fact
in any documents, reports, papers or information furnished to the Board.
- A participant shall not neglect or fail or refuse to submit to the Board or other
agencies with which it is registered, such books, documents, correspondence, and
papers or any part thereof as may be demanded/requested from time to time.
- A participant shall ensure that the Board is promptly informed about any action,
legal proceedings, etc., initiated against it in respect of material breach or noncompliance
by it, of any law, Rules, regulations, directions of the Board or of any other regulatory
- A participant shall maintain proper inward system for all types of mail received
in all forms.
- A participant shall follow the maker—Checker concept in all of its activities to
ensure the accuracy of the data and as a mechanism to check unauthorised transaction.
- A participant shall take adequate and necessary steps to ensure that continuity
in data and record keeping is maintained and that the data or records are not lost
or destroyed. It shall also ensure that for electronic records and data, upto-date
back up is always available with it.
- A participant shall provide adequate freedom and powers to its compliance officer
for the effective discharge of his duties.
- A participant shall ensure that it has satisfactory internal control procedures
in place as well as adequate financial and operational capabilities which can be
reasonably expected to take care of any losses arising due to theft, fraud and other
dishonest acts, professional misconduct or omissions.
- A participant shall be responsible for the acts or omissions of its employees and
agents in respect of the conduct of its business.
- A participant shall ensure that the senior management, particularly decision makers
have access to all relevant information about the business on a timely basis.
- A participant shall ensure that good corporate policies and corporate governance
are in place.
Select Year:
Month |
Equity BSE |
Equity CDSL DP |
January 2025 |
December 2024 |
November 2024 |
October 2024 |
September 2024 |
August 2024 |
July 2024 |
June 2024 |
May 2024 |
April 2024 |
March 2024 |
February 2024 |
January 2024 |
December 2023 |
November 2023 |
October 2023 |
September 2023 |
August 2023 |
July 2023 |
June 2023 |
May 2023 |
April 2023 |
March 2023 |
February 2023 |
January 2023 |
December 2022 |
November 2022 |
October 2022 |
September 2022 |
August 2022 |
July 2022 |
June 2022 |
May 2022 |
April 2022 |
March 2022 |
February 2022 |
January 2022 |
X |
Filing complaints on SCORES |
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Register on SCORES Portal |
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Mandatory details for filing complaints on SCORES
Name |
Address |
Mobile No. |
Email ID |
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Benefits: |