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JSW Steel achieves consolidated crude steel production of 7.03 MT in Q3 FY25     Back
(10 Jan 2025)

JSW Steel reported highest ever consolidated Crude Steel production for the third quarter of FY 2024-25 at 7.03 million tonnes. The Crude Steel production was higher by 4% QoQ and 2% YoY.

JSW Steel recorded its highest ever quarterly Indian operation's Crude Steel production at 6.82 million tonnes, which was higher by 3% QoQ & YoY.

Capacity utilisation at Indian Operations excluding trial run stood at 91% for Q3 FY25. Production and capacity utilisation for the quarter was affected due to temporary maintenance activity at one of the Blast furnaces at Dolvi in the month of October, which resumed normal operations in the 1st week of November.

The break-up of production (MT) is as below:

 Particulars  Q3 FY25 Q2 FY25  Q3 FY24 QoQ    YoY
  Indian Operations 6.82*  6.63  6.63  3%  3% 
  JSW Steel USA - Ohio  0.21  0.14 0.24     
  Consolidated Production   7.03  6.77 6.87  4% 





*Including Trial run production of 0.12 MT

5 MTPA Integrated Steel Project at Vijayanagar, set up by wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, JSW Vijayanagar Metallics (JVML), is progressing well. Post commissioning of 4.5 MTPA Blast Furnace, Raw Material Handling System and Sinter Plant in Q2 FY25, JVML commissioned one out of the two Convertors and Castors at the Steel Melt Shop during Q3 FY25. The ramp up of production at the 5 MTPA JVML integrated facility is expected in Q4 FY 25. Once fully ramped up, the total crude steel capacity at Vijayanagar will increase to 17.5 MTPA, contributing to JSW Steel's overall Indian operation's crude steel capacity rising from 29.2 MTPA to 34.2 MTPA.

The production volume (MT) for the 9M FY25 is as follows:

 Particulars 9M FY25  9M FY24 
  Indian Operations 19.58*  19.01 
  JSW Steel USA - Ohio 0.58  0.62 
  Consolidated Production 20.16  19.63 
  JSW Ispat Special Products (Merged from 31/7/23) 0.26 
  Total Combined Volumes 20.16  19.89 





*Including Trial run production of 0.12 MT

