The Members,
Your Board of Directors ("Board") take pride in presenting the 29th
Annual Report together with the Audited Financial Statements (standalone and consolidated)
("Financial Statements") for the Financial Year ended on March 31, 2023
("FY 2022-23" or "period under review"). The summarised
consolidated and standalone financial performance of your Company is as follows:
(INR in Lakhs)
Consolidated |
Standalone |
Particulars |
Year ended March 31, 2023 |
Year ended March 31, 2022 |
Year ended March 31, 2023 |
Year ended March 31, 2022 |
Total Income |
65,693.62 |
53,208.89 |
16,343.06 |
12,276.29 |
Less: Total Expenditure |
73,276.05 |
54,944.22 |
14,349.70 |
10,781.31 |
Profit/(Loss) before tax |
(8,542.79) |
(1,756.64) |
1,993.36 |
1,494.98 |
Less: Tax Expense |
164.21 |
312.62 |
488.33 |
328.97 |
Profit/(Loss) for the year (Owners of the Company) |
(4,157.12) |
(276.83) |
1,505.03 |
1,166.01 |
Other Comprehensive Income |
29.58 |
46.60 |
13.82 |
43.48 |
Total Comprehensive Income for the year (Owners of the Company) |
(4,121.52) |
(223.84) |
1,518.85 |
1,209.49 |
Add: Balance brought forward from previous year |
1092.68 |
1,639.39 |
5,560.18 |
4,661.62 |
Less: Appropriations: |
Transfer to Special Reserve under Section 45-IC of the RBI Act, 1934 |
366.54 |
245.14 |
301.01 |
233.20 |
Dividend on equity shares |
77.73 |
77.73 |
77.73 |
77.73 |
Other Addition/ Deductions during the year |
(60.50) |
- |
- |
- |
Surplus in the Statement of Profit/(Loss) |
(3,412.61) |
1,092.68 |
6,700.29 |
5,560.18 |
The Company is registered with the Reserve Bank of India ("RBI") as a
Non-Banking Financial Company ("NBFC") not accepting public deposits,
holding Certificate of Registration dated March 24, 1998, issued from RBI under Section
45-IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 ("RBI Act") and is carrying
on the activities of providing finance to the Retail and SME sectors.
The Company is also registered with RBI as an Authorised Dealer and has been granted
Authorised Dealer Category-II License to carry out foreign exchange services. Also, the
Company has been granted authorisation to undertake inward cross border money transfer
activities in India, through tie-up arrangement with Western Union Financial Services Inc.
(Overseas Principal) under Money Transfer Service Scheme.
During the period under review, on standalone basis, the Company's total income was INR
16,343.06 Lakhs as compared to INR 12,276.29 Lakhs during the previous financial year and
the Company has earned a Profit before tax of INR 1,993.36 Lakhs as compared to profit
before tax of INR 1,494.98 Lakhs during the previous financial year. On consolidated
basis, the Company's total income was INR 65,693.62 Lakhs as compared to INR 53,208.89
Lakhs during the previous financial year and the Company has incurred a Loss before Tax of
INR 8,542.79 Lakhs as compared to the Loss before Tax of INR 1,756.64 Lakhs earned during
the previous financial year.
The Financial Statements both on Standalone and Consolidated basis forms part of this
Annual Report.
For the financial year ended on March 31, 2023, an amount of INR 301.01 Lakhs was
transferred to Special Reserve Account in terms of Section 45-IC of the RBI Act.
The Company has made a provision of INR 16.81 Lakhs for Employee Stock Options and a
provision of INR (65.63) Lakhs for Expected Credit Losses (ECL') during the
period under review. Total provisions for ECL of the Company as at the end of FY 2022-23
was INR 1749.60 Lakhs. Except as mentioned above, no amount was transferred to any reserve
by the Company during the period under review.
During the period under review, there was no change in the capital structure of the
Company. As on March 31, 2023, the Capital structure stands as follows:
Particulars |
Details |
Authorised Share Capital |
INR 214,00,00,000 (Indian Rupees Two Hundred and Fourteen Crores only) divided into
20,40,00,000 (Twenty Crore Forty Lakhs) Equity Shares having face value of INR 10 (Indian
Rupees Ten only) each and 1,00,00,000 (One Crore) Preference Shares having face value of
INR 10 (Indian Rupees Ten only) each |
Paid-up Share Capital |
INR 77,73,42,600 (Indian Rupees Seventy Seven Crores Seventy Three Lakhs Forty Two
Thousand and Six Hundred only) divided into 7,77,34,260 (Seven Crore Seventy-Seven Lakhs
Thirty-Four Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty) fully paid-up Equity Shares having face value
of INR 10 (Indian Rupees Ten only) each |
During the period under review, the Company has not issued/allotted any new debentures.
The Company had redeemed the following Non-Convertible Debentures ("NCDs")
during the FY 2022-23:
S. No. |
Name of Debenture Holder |
No. of NCDs* |
Face Value (INR in Lakhs) |
Amount (INR in Lakhs) |
Date of Redemption |
1 |
State Bank of India |
300 |
10 |
3,000.00 |
May 06, 2022 |
2 |
Punjab National Bank |
100 |
10 |
1,000.00 |
June 30, 2022 |
The Company has the following NCDs outstanding as on March 31, 2023:
S. No. |
Name of Debenture Holder |
No. of NCDs* |
Face Value (INR in Lakhs) |
Amount (INR in Lakhs) |
Date of Issue |
1 |
Bank of India |
500 |
10 |
5,000.00 |
June 24, 2020 |
2 |
Punjab National Bank |
250 |
10 |
2,500.00 |
July 30, 2020 |
*All the above NCDs were/are listed on BSE Limited.
There has been no change in the nature of business activity of the Company during the
period under review.
Holding Company
Capital India Corp Private Limited, holding 73.04% of the paid-up share capital of
the Company, is the holding and promoter company of your Company.
Subsidiary Company
As on March 31, 2023, the Company has the following subsidiaries:
S. No. |
Name of Subsidiary |
Percentage (%) of Shareholding |
1. |
Capital India Home Loans Limited |
99.89 |
2. |
Rapipay Fintech Private Limited |
52.50 |
3. |
Capital India Asset Management Private Limited |
100.00 |
4. |
Kuants Wealth Private Limited * |
52.50 |
5. |
NYE Insurance Broking Private Limited * |
52.50 |
* Step-down Subsidiary through Rapipay Fintech Private Limited
Joint Venture / Associate Company
The Company does not have any associate or joint venture during the period under
review. However, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Indian Accounting
Standards, Credenc Web Technologies Private Limited, an associate of subsidiary of the
Company, Capital India Home Loans Limited, was an associate of the Company as on March 31,
As required under Rule 8 (1) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, the
Board's Report has been prepared on Standalone Financial Statements basis. A report on the
performance and financial position of each of the Company's Subsidiary as per Section
129(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 ("Act"), read with the Companies
(Accounts) Rules, 2014, in the prescribed form AOC-1 is attached as Annexure I to
the Board's Report.
As required under Regulation 16(1)(c) and 46 of the Securities and Exchange
Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
(hereinafter referred to as "Listing Regulations"), the Board has
approved and adopted the Policy for determining Material Subsidiaries. The Policy is
available on the Company's website at Also, details of the
Material Subsidiary(ies) are given in the Corporate Governance Report which is annexed to
and forms an integral part of this Board's Report.
The standalone audited financial statements of each of the subsidiary of the
Company are available on the Company's website at under the
"Investors" tab. Members interested in obtaining a copy of financial statements
of the subsidiaries may write to the Chief Compliance Officer & Company Secretaryat
The Annual Report of the Company, containing therein its Financial
Statements would be placed on the website of the Company at under
the "Investors" tab.
Your Company has adopted the Dividend Distribution Policy which sets out the parameters
and circumstances to be considered by the Board in determining the distribution of
dividend to its shareholders and / or retaining profits earned by the Company. The said
Policy is available on the website of the Company at under the
"Investors" tab.
In line with the Dividend Distribution Policy of the Company, your Directors are
pleased to recommend a final dividend of INR 0.10 (Indian Rupee Ten Paisa only) per Equity
Share having face value of INR 10 (Indian Rupees Ten only) each, for the FY 2022-23,
payable to shareholders of the Company whose names appear in the Register of Member as on
the Record Date i.e. Friday, September 15, 2023. The final dividend on 7,77,34,260 (Seven
Crores Seventy-Seven Lakhs Thirty Four Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty) Equity Shares, if
approved by the members of the Company at the ensuing Annual General Meeting
("AGM"), would entail an outflow of INR 77,73,426 (Indian Rupees Seventy Seven
Lakh Seventy Three Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Six only).
The Company has in place an adequate Internal Financial Control System with reference
to the financial statements and Internal Control System, commensurate with the size, scale
and complexity of its operations.
The Directors have laid down Internal Financial Control procedures to be followed by
the Company which ensures compliance with various policies, practices and statutes,
keeping in view the organization's pace of growth and increasing complexity of operations
for orderly and efficient conduct of its business.
The Audit Committee of the Board is vested with the powers to evaluate the adequacy and
effectiveness of the Internal Financial Control system of the Company, thereby ensuring
1. Systems have been established to ensure that all the transactions are executed in
accordance with the management's general and specific authorisation.
2. Systems and procedures exist to ensure that all the transactions are recorded so as
to permit preparation of Financial Statements in conformity with the Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP) or any other criteria applicable to such Statements, and to
maintain accountability for effective and timely preparation of reliable financial
3. Access to assets is permitted only with the management's general and specific
authorisation. No assets of the Company are allowed to be used for personal purposes,
except in accordance with the terms of employment or except as specifically permitted.
4. The existing assets of the Company are verified /checked at reasonable intervals and
appropriate action is taken with respect to differences, if any.
5. Appropriate systems are in place for prevention and detection of frauds and errors
and for ensuring adherence to the Company's various policies as listed on the Website of
the Company and otherwise disseminated internally.
The composition of the Board is governed by the relevant provisions of the Act and the
rules made thereunder, the Listing Regulations, the Articles of Association of the
Company, and all other applicable laws and is in accordance with the best corporate
governance practices from time to time.
i. Board of Directors The Company aims for an appropriate mix of Executive,
Non-Executive and Independent Directors to maintain the effectiveness of Board and
separate its functions of governance and management. As on March 31, 2023, the Board of
the Company consists of following 6 (Six) directors:
S. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Harsh Kumar Bhanwala |
06417704 |
Executive Chairman |
2. |
Mr. Keshav Porwal |
06706341 |
Managing Director |
3. |
Mr. Vinod Somani |
00327231 |
Independent Director |
4. |
Mr. Yogendra Pal Singh |
08347484 |
Independent Director |
5. |
Mrs. Rachna Dikshit |
08759332 |
Independent Woman Director |
6. |
Mr. Subhash Chander Kalia |
00075644 |
Independent Director |
ii. Fit and Proper Criteria
On the basis of declarations received from the Directors of the Company as on March 31,
2023 and taken on record by the Board of Directors, none of the Director were disqualified
as on March 31, 2023 from being appointed as a Director in terms of Section 164(2) of the
All the Directors of the Company duly meet the Fit and Proper Criteria of Director as
per the applicable provisions of the Master Direction - Non-Banking Financial Company -
Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company and Deposit taking Company (Reserve
Bank) Directions, 2016 ("Master Directions") issued by the Reserve Bank
of India and has given their declaration for the same.
None of the Directors of the Company are disqualified as per the provisions of Section
164 of the Act and the Directors of the Company have made necessary disclosures under
Section 184 and other relevant provisions of the Act. Brief resume and other details of
the Director(s) being appointed/re-appointed at the ensuing AGM as stipulated under
Secretarial Standard-2 issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and
Regulation 36 of the Listing Regulations, are separately disclosed in the Notice of
ensuing AGM.
iii. Changes in Directors
During the period under review, the members at their 28th AGM held on September 23,
2022, approved the re-appointment of Mr. Vinod Somani as an Independent Director of the
Company, for a second term of 5 (Five) consecutive years commencing from December 20, 2022
till December 19, 2027 and the re-appointment of Mr. Keshav Porwal as Managing Director of
the Company for a further period of 3 (Three) years w.e.f. November 27, 2022.
Except the changes mentioned above, there have been no changes in the composition of
the Board of Directors of the Company during the period under review.
Post end of FY 2022-23, the Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held on
April 28, 2023, has subject to the approval of shareholders of the Company, approved the
re-appointment of Dr. Harsh Kumar Bhanwala (DIN: 06417704), Executive Chairman of the
Company, for a further term of 3 (Three) years w.e.f. August 06, 2023.
iv. Declaration of Independence
The Company has received necessary declarations from all the Independent Directors of
the Company confirming that they meet the criteria of Independence as prescribed under
Section 149(6) of the Act and Regulation 16 of the Listing Regulations. The Company has
also received declaration of compliance under Rule 6 (1) & (2) of the Companies
(Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014, from all the Independent
Directors, regarding online registration with the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs,
for inclusion/ renewal of name in the databank of Independent Directors.
The Board is of the opinion that the Independent Directors of the Company possess
requisite qualifications, experience and expertise and they hold highest standards of
integrity and that they are independent to the Management of the Company. During the
period under review, the Independent Directors of the Company had no pecuniary
relationship or transactions with the Company, other than the sitting fees and
reimbursement of expenses incurred by them for the purpose of attending the meetings of
Board and Committee(s) of the Board of the Company.
v. Statement regarding opinion of the Board with regard to integrity, expertise and
experience (including proficiency) of the Independent Directors appointed during the year
With regard to the integrity, expertise and experience (including proficiency) of
the Independent Director(s) during the FY 2022-23, the Board of Directors have taken on
record the declarations and confirmations submitted by the Independent Director(s) and is
of the opinion that all the Independent Directors are persons of integrity and possess
relevant expertise and experience and their continued association as Directors will be of
immense benefit and in the best interest of the Company.
vi. Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability Insurance
Your Company has an Insurance for its Directors/Officers for such quantum and risks
as determined by the Board of the Company.
vii. Retirement by Rotation
In accordance with the provisions of the Act read with the rules made thereunder and
the Articles of Association of the Company, Mr. Keshav Porwal, Managing Director of the
Company, is liable to retire by rotation at the ensuing AGM and has offered his
candidature for re-appointment as a Director of the Company at the ensuing AGM.
viii. Key Managerial Personnel (KMP)
As on the date of this Report, the Company has the following KMPs in accordance with
the provisions of the Act read with the rules made thereunder:
Dr. Harsh Kumar Bhanwala |
: Executive Chairman |
Mr. Keshav Porwal |
: Managing Director |
Mr. Vineet Kumar Saxena |
: Chief Executive Officer |
Mr. Vikas Srivastava |
: Chief Financial Officer |
Mr. Rachit Malhotra |
: Chief Compliance Officer & Company Secretary |
During the period under review, Mr. Neeraj Toshniwal resigned from the position of
Chief Financial Officer of the Company with effect from August 19, 2022 and Mr. Vikas
Srivastava was appointed as the Chief Financial Officer of the Company with effect from
October 21, 2022. Post completion of Financial Year 2022-23, Mr. Rachit Malhotra has been
re-desinated as Chief Compliance Officer and Company Secretary of the Company by the Board
of Directors in their meeting dated April 28, 2023.
ix. Board Meetings
During the period under review, 5 (Five) Board meetings were held. The details of
composition of the Board and its meetings held during the year under review and the
attendance of Directors at those meetings is provided in the Corporate Governance Report
which forms part of this Annual Report. The intervening gap between the meetings was
within the period prescribed under the
Act and the rules made thereunder.
x. Committees of the Board
The following are the Statutory Committees constituted by the Board in pursuance of the
applicable provisions of the Act, Listing Regulations and RBI:
i. Audit Committee;
ii. Nomination & Remuneration Committee;
iii. Stakeholders Relationship Committee;
iv. Risk Management Committee;
v. Investment Committee;
vi. Asset-Liability Committee;
vii. IT Strategy Committee; and
viii. Corporate Social Responsibility Committee.
The details of composition of the Committees of the Board and their meetings held
during the year under review and the attendance of the Members at those meetings are
provided in the Corporate Governance Report which forms part of this Annual Report. The
intervening gap between the meetings was within the period prescribed under the Act and
the rules made thereunder and other applicable laws.
Below are the other committees constituted by the Board whose composition as on March
31, 2023 was as under:
i. Credit Committee;
ii. Securities Issuance Committee; and
iii. Management Committee.
S. No. Name of Committee Composition of Committee
1 Credit Committee Mr. Vinod Somani (Chairman) Mr. Keshav Porwal (Member) Mr. Ashish
Arya (Member) Mr. Avinash Kumar (Member)
2 Securities Issuance Committee Mr. Vinod Somani (Chairman) Mr. Keshav Porwal (Member)
Mr. Vineet Kumar Saxena (Member)
3 Management Committee Dr. Harsh Kumar Bhanwala (Chairman) Mr. Keshav Porwal (Member)
Mr. Vineet Kumar Saxena (Member)
xi. Separate Meeting of Independent Directors
In compliance with the provisions of Schedule IV to the Act read with Regulation 25 of
the Listing Regulations, the Independent Directors met once during the FY 2022-23 on March
15, 2023, without the presence of Non-Independent Directors and members of the management
team and inter-alia reviewed:
a) The performance of Non-Independent Directors and the Board as a whole;
b) The performance of the Chairman of the Company, taking into account the views of
Executive and Non-Executive Directors; and
c) The quality, quantity and timeliness of flow of information between the Company's
management and the Board that is necessary for the Board to effectively and reasonably
perform their duties.
In addition to formal meeting, frequent interactions also took place between the
Chairman and Independent Directors.
The Nomination & Remuneration Committee ("NRC") has been
constituted to undertake the functions in accordance with the provisions of Section 178 of
the Act and Regulation 19 of the Listing Regulations as amended from time to time.
In accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Listing Regulations, the Board has
adopted a Policy on Diversity of the Board of Directors and a Policy on Compensation of
Directors, Executives and other Employees.
The purpose of this Policy is to establish and govern the procedure as applicable inter
alia in respect to the following:
a) the level and composition of remuneration which is reasonable and sufficient to
attract, retain and motivate Directors, Executives and Other Employees of the quality
required to run the Company successfully;
b) relationship of remuneration to performance is clear and meets appropriate
performance benchmarks;
c) remuneration to Directors, Executives and Other Employees involves a balance between
fixed and variable pay reflecting short and long-term performance objectives appropriate
to the working of the Company and its goals which will address issues arising out of
excessive risk taking caused by misaligned compensation packages;
d) the compensation levels are supported by the need to retain earnings of the Company
and the needs to maintain adequate capital based on internal capital adequacy assessment
process; and
e) to enable the Company to provide a well-balanced and performance- related
compensation package, taking into account shareholder interests, industry standards and
relevant Indian corporate regulations.
NRC develops the competency requirements of the Board based on the industry and
strategy of the Company, conducts a gap analysis and recommends the reconstitution of the
Board, as and when required. It also recommends to the Board, the appointment of Directors
having good personal and professional reputation and conducts reference checks and due
diligence, before recommending them to the Board. Besides the above, NRC ensures that the
new Directors are familiarized with the operations of the Company and endeavors to provide
relevant training to the Directors.
The detailed Policy on Compensation of Directors, Executives and other Employees is
available on the website of the Company at URL
The Company has also formulated a Fit and Proper Criteria Policy for inter alia
determining the qualification, technical expertise, positive attributes, integrity and
independence of the Directors. The Company has received declarations from all the
Directors of the Company that they meet the criteria laid down in the Fit and Proper
Criteria Policy and the applicable provisions of the Master Directions issued by the RBI
in this regard.
Disclosure with respect to the ratio of remuneration of each of the Director to the
median employee's remuneration as required under the provisions of Section 197(12) of the
Act read with Rule 5(1) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial
Personnel) Rules, 2014, forms part of this report as Annexure II.
Details as required under Section 197(12) of the Act, read with Rule 5(2) and 5(3) of
the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, with
respect to information of employees of the Company will be provided upon request by a
Member. In terms of the provisions of Section 136(1) of the Act, the Annual Report is
being sent to all the Members of the Company whose email address(es) are registered with
the Company/ Depository Participants via electronic mode, excluding the aforesaid Annexure
which shall be made available for inspection by the Members via electronic mode. If any
Member is interested in obtaining a copy thereof, the Member may write to the Chief
Compliance Officer & Company Secretary at the Registered Office of the Company in this
regard or send an to
As required under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition
and Redressal) Act, 2013, the Company has a Policy on Prevention of sexual harassment of
women at workplace and matters connected therewith and has also complied with the
provisions relating to the constitution of Internal Complaint Committee ("ICC").
It is our constant endeavor to ensure that we provide harassment free, safe and secure
working environment to all employees especially women.
During the period under review, there was no case of sexual harassment reported to the
NRC has devised a policy for the performance evaluation of the Independent Directors,
Board, its Committees and the other individual Directors and has laid down the performance
evaluation and assessment criteria/parameters. The Independent Directors in terms of
Schedule IV to the Act and the provisions of the Listing Regulations, at its separate
meeting, evaluated the performance of the Chairman, Non-Independent Directors, the Board
as a whole and the flow of information between the management and the Board.
NRC carried out the evaluation of performance of each of the Directors, without the
presence of the Director being evaluated and the Board carried out a formal evaluation of
its own performance and the Board Committees. The Board of Directors had expressed their
satisfaction with the evaluation process.
The criteria/parameters laid down for the evaluation of performance of the Independent
Directors is provided in the Corporate Governance report, forming part of this Annual
As required under Regulation 34 of the Listing Regulations, the Management Discussion
and Analysis Report is forming a part of this Annual Report.
The Board acknowledges the responsibility for ensuring compliance with the provisions
of Section 134(3)(c) read with Section 134(5) of the Act in preparation of the Financial
Statements for the financial year ended on March 31, 2023 and state:
a. that in the preparation of Annual Accounts for the Financial Year ended as at March
31, 2023, the applicable Accounting Standards have been followed along with the proper
explanation relating to the material departures;
b. that the Directors have selected such Accounting Policies and applied them
consistently and made judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to
give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the Financial Year
ended as at March 31, 2023 and of the profit and loss of the Company for the Financial
Year ended on March 31, 2023;
c. that the Directors have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of
adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013
for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud or other
d. that the Directors have prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis;
e. that the Directors have laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the
Company and that such internal financial controls are adequate and were operating
effectively; and
f. that there is a proper system to ensure compliance with the provisions of all
applicable laws and that such systems were adequate and operating effectively.
Based on the framework of internal financial controls and compliance systems
established and maintained by the Company, work performed by the internal, statutory and
secretarial auditors and external consultants, including audit of internal financial
controls over financial reporting by the statutory auditors, and the reviews performed by
management and the relevant Board Committees, including the Audit Committee, the Board is
of the opinion that the Company's internal financial controls were adequate and effective
during the period under review.
The Company did not accept any public deposits during the period under review.
Therefore, the disclosures as required under the Act and the rules made thereunder, and
Master Directions issued by RBI for public deposits are not applicable on the Company.
Loans, guarantees and investments covered under Section 186 of the Act forms part of
the Notes to the Financial Statements provided in this Annual Report.
In compliance with the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the
rules made thereunder and the circular no. DoS.CO.ARG/SEC.01/08.91.001/2021-22 dated April
27, 2021 issued by the Reserve Bank of India and the related FAQs issued thereafter and
based on the recommendation of the Board of Directors, the members in their 28th
AGM appointed M/s Singhi & Co., Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration no. 302049E)
as Statutory Auditors of the Company for a period of 2 (Two) consecutive years, to hold
the office of the Statutory Auditors from the conclusion of the28th AGM until the
conclusion of the 30th AGM.
M/s Singhi & Co. has conducted the Statutory Audit for the period ended March 31,
The report submitted by the Statutory Auditors on the Financial Statements of the
Company forms part of this Annual Report. There have been no qualifications, reservations
or adverse remarks or disclaimer given by the Statutory Auditors in their report.
In terms of the provisions of Section 204 of the Act read with the Companies
(Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 and Regulation 24A of
the Listing Regulations, the Board had appointed M/s Naveen Garg & Associates, Company
Secretaries, as the Secretarial Auditors of the Company to undertake the Secretarial Audit
for the financial year 2022-23. The Secretarial Auditors have submitted their report in
Form MR-3, which forms part of this Annual Report. There are no observations, reservations
or adverse remarks in the Secretarial Audit Report.
Pursuant to Regulation 24A of the Listing Regulations, every listed company shall annex
with its annual report the Secretarial Audit Report of its material subsidiaries
incorporated in India. In compliance with the said requirement, the Secretarial Audit
Report of Capital India Home Loans Limited and Rapipay Fintech Private Limited, the
material subsidiaries of the Company, for the financial year 2022-23 forms part of this
Annual Report.
The Board had appointed M/s Aneja Associates, Chartered Accountants, as the Internal
Auditors to undertake internal audit of the Company for the financial year 2022-23 in
terms of the provisions of Section 138 of the Act and the rules made thereunder.
The provisions of Section 148 of the Act read with the Companies (Cost Records and
Audit) Rules, 2014, are not applicable on the Company for the period under review.
Pursuant to Section 92(3) and Section 134 of the Act read with Rule 12(1) of the
Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, the Annual Return of the Company as
on March 31, 2023 will be available on the website of the Company at https://capitalindia.
It has always been the Company's endeavor to excel better Corporate Governance through
fair and transparent practices. The Company has put in place efficient and effective
system to ensure proper compliance with statutory and regulatory provisions. The Company
understands and respects its fiduciary role and responsibility towards its stakeholder and
society at large.
The report on Corporate Governance in accordance with Regulation 34 read with Schedule
V to the Listing Regulations and Master Directions is presented in a separate section,
forming part of this Annual Report.
A certificate from M/s Arun Gupta & Associates, Company Secretaries confirming
compliance to the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated under Para E of
Schedule V of the Listing Regulations is enclosed to Corporate Governance Report.
During the period under review, the contracts / arrangements / transactions entered
into by the Company with the related parties were on arm's length basis and in the
ordinary course of business, and wherever not, the transaction has been duly approved by
the Board. Also, the Company had not entered into any contract / arrangement / transaction
with related parties which could be considered material in accordance with the policy of
the Company on materiality of related party transactions. Accordingly, the particulars of
the transactions as prescribed in Form AOC - 2 of the rules prescribed under Chapter IX
relating to Accounts of Companies under the Act are not required to be disclosed.
All the related party transactions entered are disclosed in Note 35 of Financial
Statements of the Company forming part of this Annual Report. In terms of Section 188 of
the Act read with the rules framed thereunder and Regulation 23 of the Listing
Regulations, your Company has in place Policy on Related Party Transactions dealing with
Related Party Transaction. The policy is placed on the website of the Company at
The Board has approved a Code of Conduct for Board of Directors and Senior Management
Personnel which has been placed on the website of the Company at
The Code of Conduct lays down the standard procedure of business conduct which is expected
to be followed by the Directors and the designated employees in their business dealings
and in particular on matters relating to integrity in workplace, in business practices and
in dealing with stakeholders. All the members of the Board and the Senior Management
Personnel have confirmed compliance with the Code of Conduct.
The Company promotes ethical behavior in all its business activities and accordingly,
pursuant to the provisions of Section 177(9) & (10) of the Act read with the rules
made thereunder and pursuant to the provision of the Listing Regulations and Securities
and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 ("PIT
Regulations"), the Company has established and implemented a Vigil Mechanism
within the Company to be known as the Vigil Mechanism / Whistle Blower Policy'
for its Directors and employees, to report instances of unethical behavior and actual or
suspected fraud or violation of the Company's Code of Conduct. The aim of the policy is to
provide adequate safeguards against victimization of the whistle blower who avails the
mechanism and provides direct access to the Chairman of the Audit Committee, in
appropriate or exceptional cases.
Accordingly, the Vigil Mechanism / Whistle Blower Policy has been formulated with a
view to provide a mechanism for the Directors and employees of the Company to approach the
Vigilance and Ethics Officer or the Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Company in
exceptional cases.
The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework to promote responsible and secure
whistle blowing and protect employees who are willing to raise a concern about serious
irregularities within the Company.
During the period under review, no complaint of unethical or improper activity was
reported to the Company.
The Company continues to fulfill the norms and standards laid down under the Master
Directions and the other applicable regulations issued by the Reserve Bank of India, from
time to time.
In accordance with the PIT Regulations, the Company has formulated and approved (i) an
Insider Trading Code to regulate dealing in the securities of the Company by designated
persons in compliance with the regulations; and (ii) a Policy for Fair Disclosure of
Unpublished Price Sensitive Information. The Board is responsible for the implementation
of this Code. Mr. Rachit Malhotra, Chief Compliance Officer & Company Secretary of the
Company, is Compliance Officer for the purposes of Insider Trading Code.
The Code and Policy can be accessed from the website of the Company at
Your Company is into the business of Non-Banking Financial Services and is not involved
in any manufacturing activity. The information as applicable and required to be provided
under Section 134(3)(m) of the Act read with Rule 8(3) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules,
2014, is given hereunder:
(i) Steps taken or impact on conservation of energy - The operations of your Company
are not energy- intensive. However, adequate measures have been initiated for conservation
of energy.
(ii) Steps taken by the Company for utilizing alternate source of energy - though the
operations of the Company are not energy intensive, the Company shall explore alternative
source of energy, as and when the necessity arises.
(iii) Capital investment on energy conservation equipment - Nil
(i) Efforts made towards technology absorption - The minimum technology required for
the business has been absorbed.
(ii) Benefits derived like product improvement, cost reduction, product development or
import substitution - Not Applicable
(iii) In case of imported technology (imported during the last three years reckoned
from the beginning of the financial year) -
(a) the details of technology imported - Not Applicable
(b) the year of import - Not Applicable
(c) whether the technology has been fully absorbed - Not Applicable
(d) if not fully absorbed, areas where absorption has not taken place, and the reasons
thereof - Not Applicable
(e) Expenditure incurred on Research and Development - Not Applicable
The Company is into the business of foreign exchange and the earnings and outgo in
foreign currencies are as under:
(INR In Lakhs)
For the year ended |
Particulars |
31.03.2023 |
31.03.2022 |
Earnings in foreign currency |
Export of foreign currencies |
866.05 |
30,160.16 |
Commission received (Forex) |
11.77 |
8.66 |
Commission received (Western Union) |
21.70 |
- |
Outgo in foreign currency |
Professional fees |
- |
1.82 |
Printing & Stationery |
- |
0.15 |
There was no fraud reported by the Statutory Auditors of the Company, under Section
143(12) of the Act and the rules made thereunder to the Audit Committee or Board during
the period under review.
There have been no significant and material orders passed by the Regulators or Courts
or Tribunals impacting the going concern status and Company's operations in future.
There were no material changes and commitments affecting the financial position of the
Company which occurred between the end of the financial year to which these financial
statements relate and the date of this Report.
In compliance with the provisions prescribed under Section 135 of the Act, your Company
constituted a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee. The Board of Directors laid
down the CSR Policy, covering the objectives, focus areas, governance structure and
monitoring & reporting framework among others.
Details of composition of CSR Committee and other relevant details have been provided
in the Corporate Governance Report. The CSR Policy is placed on the website of the Company
at and a brief outline of the policy and the Annual Report on CSR
activities is appended in Annexure III of this report in the format prescribed in
the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014.
During the period under review, the Company has maintained its rating of A- /
Stable outlook' by Acuite Ratings and Research Limited (Rating Agency) for raising
Long-term debt of upto INR 775 Crore and Non-Convertible Debentures of INR 110 Crore and
maintained the rating of A2+' for Short-Term debt of INR 25 Crore. During the period
under review, the Company has duly repaid two Non-Convertible Debentures for a cumulative
value of INR 40 Crore and consequently the rating for said Non-Convertible Debentures of
value INR 40 Crores is withdrawn.
Your Company has prepared the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements in accordance
with Section 129(3) of the Act read with the applicable Indian Accounting Standards
("Ind AS") and Listing Regulations. As required under the Ind AS,
notified under Section 133 of the Act and applicable provisions of the Listing
Regulations, the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company reflecting the
Consolidation of the Accounts of the Company with its Subsidiaries are included in this
Annual Report.
The Annual Report including the Balance Sheet, Statement of Profit & Loss, other
statements and notes thereto is available on the Company's website at
The Risk Management Committee constituted by the Board, has framed and implemented a
Risk Management framework depicting the process for loan proposal approval, loan
management post disbursement and day to day monitoring to manage credit risk. It sets out
the standards helpful in achieving a high-quality loan portfolio with optimal returns.
The framework is periodically reviewed and enhanced in response to changes in the
external environment and business processes.
During the period under review, your Company has strengthened its Management team and
Core Leadership team to steer the Company's business conscientiously and diligently. The
beginning of the financial year saw the subsiding impact of Covid-19 and appropriate
systemic steps were taken to help employees return to work safely. Efforts have been put
in place to attract the best talent from the industry to build a strong foundation. The
Company has taken initiatives in the direction of developing and driving the culture of
high performance and meritocracy. The Company has provided various training and programmes
for the enhancement of skills and capabilities of the Management team and the employees at
all levels of the organisation. The automation of HR through various technology
interventions is currently under progress, and some of the core HR activities are being
digitalized, supporting the rapid growth of our workforce and attaining the goal of
improved employee experience and working towards a paperless environment.
Your Company provides an employee-friendly environment where employees are empowered
and given an opportunity to demonstrate their talent, that eventually boosts their career
growth in the Company.
There were 513 permanent employees on the rolls of the Company as on March 31, 2023.
The Equity Shares and the Debt Securities of the Company are listed on BSE Limited. The
Annual Listing Fee for the Financial Year 2022-23 has been duly paid to BSE Limited.
Your Company has devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all
applicable Secretarial Standards and such systems are adequate and operating effectively.
In order to motivate, incentive and reward employees, your Company has instituted the
Employee Stock Option Scheme in the name of CIFL Employee Stock Option Plan - 2018 ("CIFL
ESOP Plan"). The NRC monitors the CIFL ESOP Plan. The CIFL ESOP Plan is in
compliance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Share Based Employee Benefits
and Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2021(" SEBI SBEBSE Regulations") including
any amendment thereto. Relevant disclosures pursuant to SEBI SBEBSE Regulations, as on
March 31, 2023 are available on the website of the Company at
A certificate with respect to the implementation of CIFL ESOP Plan in compliance with
SEBI SBEBSE Regulations would be presented before the members in the ensuing AGM of the
Company and a copy of the same shall be available for inspection at the registered office
and the corporate office of the Company during the working hours.
There has been no material change in the CIFL ESOP Plan during the period under review.
The Business Responsibility & Sustainability Reporting ("BRSR") of
your Company for the year 2022-23 forms part of this Annual Report as required under
Regulation 34(2) (f) of the Listing Regulations and is appended as "Annexure IV".
The Company's website provides information about the
businesses carried on by the Company. It is the primary source of information to all the
stakeholders of the Company and the general public at large. It also contains the
Financial Results, Annual Reports, CSR, various Policies adopted by the Board and other
general information about the Company and such other disclosures as required under various
applicable regulations. In accordance with the Liquidity Risk Management Framework for
Non-Banking Financial Companies, the Company on a quarterly basis provided a public
disclosure on liquidity risk on its website.
Your Directors states that no disclosure or reporting is required in respect of the
following items during the period under review:
a) The Company has not bought back any of its securities;
b) The Company has not issued any bonus shares;
c) The Company has not issued any sweat equity shares;
d) The Company has not issued equity shares with differential rights as to dividend,
voting or otherwise;
e) The Company is not liable to transfer amount of dividend lying in the unpaid
dividend account to Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) pursuant to provisions
of Section 125 of the Act;
f) There was no revision in the financial statements between the end of the financial
year and the date of this report;
g) No application has been made or any proceeding is pending under the Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code, 2016 during the year; and
h) During the financial year 2022-23, there was no instance of one-time settlement with
Banks or Financial Institutions. Therefore, as per rule 8(5)(xii) of Companies (Accounts)
Rules, 2014, reasons of difference in the valuation at the time of one-time settlement and
valuation done while taking loan from the Banks or Financial Institutions are not
Statements in this Report, particularly those which relate to Management Discussion and
Analysis, describing the Company objective, projections, estimates and expectations may
constitute forward looking statement within the meaning of applicable laws and
Your Directors would gratefully like to place their appreciation for the assistance and
co-operation received from the Company's bankers during the period under review. The
Directors also acknowledge, with appreciation, the support and co-operation rendered by
various Government Agencies and Departments. Your Directors would also wish to place on
record their deep sense of appreciation for the continued support from all the investors
of the Company.
By order and on behalf of the Board |
Capital India Finance Limited |
Dr. Harsh Kumar Bhanwala |
Keshav Porwal |
Executive Chairman |
Managing Director |
DIN: 06417704 |
DIN: 06706341 |
Date: April 28, 2023 |
Place: San Diego, USA |
Place: Mumbai |