Parliamentary proceedings were once again disrupted on Friday, marking the fourth consecutive day of chaos in both the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. The Opposition's relentless protests over various issues, including alleged bribery charges against a prominent business group, led to repeated adjournments and ultimately, the premature adjournment of both Houses.
In the Lok Sabha, despite repeated appeals from Speaker Om Birla, Opposition members from Congress, DMK, Samajwadi Party, and others continued their protests, disrupting the Question Hour and forcing the House to adjourn till noon. Post-lunch, the disruptions persisted, leading to the early adjournment of the Lower House.
Similarly, in the Rajya Sabha, Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar rejected adjournment motion notices moved by the Opposition, expressing disappointment over the repeated disruptions and their negative impact on parliamentary proceedings. He emphasized the importance of constructive debate and the need to address public concerns through parliamentary processes.
As both Houses were adjourned for the day, the Opposition's relentless protests have once again hindered parliamentary business and raised concerns about the efficacy of the legislative process. The next session of Parliament is scheduled to commence on December 2nd.