The Indian National Congress inaugurated its new headquarters, Indira Bhawan, at 9A, Kotla Road in New Delhi on Wednesday. This marks the end of the 47-year period that the party used the iconic 24, Akbar road.
The event was attended by Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge, Congress Parliamentary Party Chairperson Sonia Gandhi, Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi, MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, and General Secretary KC Venugopal.
The new headquarters, equipped with modern facilities, is designed to meet the administrative and organizational needs of the party. The new facility will serve as the primary office for the All India Congress Committee (AICC), while the current office at 24, Akbar Road will continue to house some cells.
The event included a brief cultural segment highlighting significant moments from the party's history. The new headquarters is expected to streamline the Congress Party’s organizational efforts as it continues its activities.