The first order, valued at Rs 200.60 crore, has been secured from Oil India for the construction of a new Oil Hospital in Duliajan, Assam. The project will be executed on a turnkey basis under the Depository Works mode.
In addition, HSCC (India), a wholly owned subsidiary of NBCC, has secured a second order worth Rs 98.17 crore. This order, received from the Director of Medical Education and Research (DMER) in Mumbai, Maharashtra, involves the establishment of an E-Library as a unified platform for the students and faculty of 22 Government Medical Colleges and 3 Dental Colleges under the Medical Education Department of Maharashtra.
NBCC (India) is in business of operates into three major segments namely project management consultancy, real estate and engineering procurement & construction.
The company reported 53.43% jump in consolidated net profit to Rs 122.12 crore on 19.44% rise in revenue from operations to Rs 2,458.73 crore in Q2 FY25 over Q2 FY24.
The scrip slipped 1.89% to Rs 95.27 on the BSE.