Baazar Style Retail Ltd |
Registered Office:
PS Srijan Tech Park DN-52 12th,Flr St # 11 DN Block Sector V
West Bengal
, India.
Phone :
+91 33 6125 6125 Fax:
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Website :
Initial public offering of 21,459,488 equity shares of face value of 5 each ("Equity Shares") of Baazar Style Retail Limited ("Company" or "Issuer") for cash at a price of 389.00 per equity share (including a share premium of 384.00 per equity share) ("Offer Price") aggregating to 834.68 crores ("Offer") comprising a fresh issue of 3,807,168 equity shares by the company aggregating to 148.00 crores ("Fresh Issue") and an offer for sale of 17,652,320 equity shares of face value of 5 each aggregating to 686.68 crores, by the selling shareholders (as defined hereinafter) ("Offer for Sale"). this offer includes a reservation of 28,248 equity shares of face value of 5 each (constituting 0.04% of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital) aggregating to 1.00 crores, for purchase by eligible employees (the "Employee Reservation Portion"). The offer less the employee reservation portion is hereinafter referred to as the "Net Offer". The offer and the net offer would constitute 28.76% and 28.72%, respectively, of its post-offer paid-up equity share capital. The company in consultation with the brlms, offered a discount of 9.00% (equivalent to 35 per equity share) to the offer price to eligible employees bidding in the employee reservation portion ("Employee Discount").
A private placement of specified securities as permitted under applicable laws, was undertaken by the company, in consultation with the brlms, to specified persons, for an amount aggregating to 37.00 crores ("pre-ipo placement"). The pre - ipo placement was at a price as decided by the company in consultation with the brlms and was completed with the roc. Since the pre-ipo placement was undertaken, the amount raised from the pre-ipo placement aggregating to 37.00 crores was reduced from the fresh issue, subject to the offer complying with rule 19(2)(b) of the securities contracts (regulation) rules, 1957, as amended ("scrr") and accordingly the revised fresh issue size aggregates to 148.00 crores. The pre-ipo placement has not exceed 20% of the fresh issue. The company has appropriately intimated the subscribers to the pre-ipo placement, prior to allotment pursuant to the preipo placement, that there is no guarantee that the company may proceed with the offer or the offer may be successful and will result into listing of the equity shares on the stock exchanges. Further, relevant disclosures in relation to such intimation to the subscribers to the pre-ipo placement have been appropriately made in the relevant sections of this prospectus.
The face value of the equity shares is 5 each and the offer price is 77.80 times the face value of the equity shares.
Issue |
Money Payable On |
Opens On |
Closes On |
Application |
Allotment |
30-Aug-24 |
03-Sep-24 |
Rs389.00-0.00 |
Rs0.00-0.00 |
Minimum Application for shares in Nos :38 Further Multiples of :38 |
RsCr |
Lead Managers to the Issue |
Project Cost |
174.99 |
Project Financed through Current Offer |
834.68 |
Post Issue Equity Share Capital |
37.31 |
Issue Price |
Rs389.00 |