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  Beezaasan Explotech Ltd
Registered Office: 5th Flr 511 Pramukh Tangent,Complex Sargasan Cr.Rd S.G.Hig , Gandhinagar - 382421 , Gujarat , India.
Phone : +91 63596 07701   Fax:
Email :  
Website :
Initial public offer of upto 34,24,800 equity shares of face value of 10/- each (The "Equity Shares") of Beezaasan Explotech Limited ("The Company" or "Beezaasan Explotech" or "The Issuer") for cash at a price of 175 per equity share including a share premium of 165 per equity share (The "Issue Price") aggregating to 59.93 crores ("The Issue"), of which upto 1,76,000 equity shares of face value of 10/- each for cash at a price of 175 per equity share including a share premium of 165 per equity share aggregating to 3.08 crores will be reserved for subscription by market maker to the issue (The "Market Maker Reservation Portion"). The issue less the market maker reservation portion i.e., net issue of upto 32,48,800 equity shares of face value of 10/- each at a price of 175 per equity share including a share premium of 165 per equity share aggregating to 56.85 crores is herein after referred to as the "Net Issue". The issue and the net issue will constitute 26.51% and 25.14% Respectively of the post issue paid up equity share capital of the Company. The face value of the equity share is 10 each. The issue price is 17.5 times the face value of the equity shares.

Issue Money Payable On
Opens On Closes On Application Allotment
21-Feb-25 25-Feb-25 Rs175.00-0.00 Rs0.00-0.00
Minimum Application for shares in Nos :800  Further Multiples of :800

  RsCr Lead Managers to the Issue
Project Cost 52.34
Smart Horizon Advisors Pvt Ltd
Project Financed through Current Offer 59.93  
Post Issue Equity Share Capital 12.92  
Issue Price Rs175.00  
 Funding the capitel exp towards civil construction required for expansion of existing mfg unit for emulsion explosive-3 plant, emulsion explosive plant and detonating fuse plant at the existing mfg facility at Purchase of commercial vehicle
 Funding of capital exp towards purchase of plant and machinery for expansion of existing mfg unit for emulsion explosive-3 plant emulsion bulk explosive plant and detonating fuse plant at the existing mfg facility at Repayment/prepayment of all or its borrowings availed by the company
 Funding of capital exp towards civil construction required for expansion of additional magazine (storage) facility required for emulsion cartridge explosives and detonating fuse at the existing location at General corporate purposes
Promoted By
 Naveenkumar Radheshyam Somani
 Sunilkumar Radheshyam Somani
 Rajan Sunilkumar Somani
Listing At
Registrar to the Issue
 KFin Techologies Ltd