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  Rikhav Securities Ltd
Registered Office: Office #.922-A 9th Floor,P.J.Tower Dalal Street Fort , Mumbai - 400001 , Maharashtra , India.
Phone : +91 022 6907 8300   Fax:
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Initial public offer of upto 1,03,28,000 equity shares of face value of 5/- each (the "Equity Shares") of Rikhav Securities Limited ("the company" or "Rikhav" or "the Offeror") at an offer price of 86.00 per equity share for cash, aggregating up to 88.82 crores comprising of fresh offer of up to 83,28,000 equity shares aggregating to 71.62 crores ("Fresh Offer") and an offer for sale of up to 20,00,000 equity shares by Ashapura Trading, Giriraj Trading, Nirmalaben Fatechand Sanghavi, Daksha Sharad Maniyar, Jayesh Mulchand Maniyar, Mukesh Jayantilal Sanghavi, Virali Girish Maniyar, Yash Jayesh Maniyar, Naity Sharad Maniyar, Sharad Mulchand Maniyar, Bharti Mukesh Sanghavi, Bhaven Vinod Pandya, Ketanbhai Arvindray Shah, Kishore Paramdas Vora, Nisarg Pradip Shah, Nita Chandrakant Lakhani and Aneri Mahesh Lakhani ("Selling Shareholders") aggregating to 17.20 crores ("Offer for Sale") ("Public Offer"). The offer includes a reservation of 5,24,800 equity shares of face value of 5/- each, at an offer price of 86/- per equity share for cash, aggregating 4.51 crores will be reserved for subscription by the market maker to the offer (the "Market Maker Reservation Portion"). The public offer less market maker reservation portion i.e. net offer of 98,03,200 equity shares of face value of 5/- each, at an offer price of 86/- per equity share for cash, aggregating upto 84.31 crores is herein after referred to as the "Net Offer". The public offer and net offer will constitute 26.97 % and 25.60 % respectively of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital of the company. The face value of equity shares is 5 each. The offer price is 17.2 times of the face value of the equity shares.

Issue Money Payable On
Opens On Closes On Application Allotment
15-Jan-25 17-Jan-25 Rs86.00-0.00 Rs0.00-0.00
Minimum Application for shares in Nos :1600  Further Multiples of :1600

  RsCr Lead Managers to the Issue
Project Cost 62.89
Smart Horizon Capital Advisorrs Pvt Ltd
Project Financed through Current Offer 88.82  
Post Issue Equity Share Capital 19.15  
Issue Price Rs86.00  
 Funding its incremental working capital requirements General corporate purposes
 Funding of capital exp requirements of the company towards purchase of IT software computers and laptops
Promoted By
 Hitesh Himatlal Lakhani
 Rajendran N Shah
 Bharti Hitech Lakhani
Listing At
Registrar to the Issue
 MUFG Intime India Pvt Ltd