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Company Name Current (Rs) Prev Close (Rs) Change (%) Volume (No.s)
      HDFC AMC 4,034.35 3,863.70 4.42 48,868
      Zomato Ltd 243.60 233.80 4.19 24,17,434
      Persistent Sys 6,123.05 5,891.50 3.93 24,492
      Trent 6,394.60 6,163.05 3.76 37,871
      Indian Hotels Co 809.30 781.90 3.50 1,27,082
      Power Grid Corpn 298.25 290.00 2.84 1,64,609
      NTPC 318.90 310.85 2.59 7,53,924
      Bajaj Holdings 10,850.70 10,608.00 2.29 1,121
      Kotak Mah. Bank 1,789.15 1,749.25 2.28 15,012
      Adani Green 1,028.60 1,007.55 2.09 10,99,795
      ICICI Lombard 1,869.60 1,832.75 2.01 5,844
      Avenue Super. 3,548.45 3,479.05 1.99 29,167
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